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Johanna-Adele Jüssi is an Estonian fiddler living far North in Norway. Together with her trio plays music from the Lynx Valley

– an utopian place found in a dream.


Her expression is both elegant and raw, it tells a story and weaves a spell. Whether she plays for dancing or listening, Johanna-Adele is always in the present, creating the moment, filling it with meaning. 


"Every note is important. That does not mean that all the notes I play have to be equally  loud or accented, on the contrary, the small details often matter the most. Tiny variations in the melody, rhythm or intonation can be deal breakers. And I love it."


Jüssi has an MA in Nordic Folk music, the studies for which took her to Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland, and a BA in traditional Estonian fiddle music from University of Tartu Viljandi Culture Academy.

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"Sometimes you hear musicians that play as if everything is a game. Brilliant, sensitively and naturally."

Folk Music Club Columbi Egg

Photo: Knut Åserud

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